
Well What Happens if Somebody Goes Down???

Thats my question of the day. Our rotation, as it stands, contains Sabathia, Burnett, Wang, Chamberlain, and Pettitte. Burnett and Chamberlain are far from "sure things" (at least from a 200 inning standpoint) and we need able spot starters. If you want a fantastic look at our pitching depth, check out Chad Jennings in depth look at the matter.

1 comment:

THE KID said...

I suppose it would depend on who's doing well down in SWB but if i had to pick one, I'd think Hughes would get the first shot wouldn't you?

His AFL numbers were impressive. Let's hope he continues to progress.

By the way, excellent name for a blog, I laughed out loud when I read the explaination. And good looking blog page.

Just recently discovered River Ave Blues and yours was listed on the side. It's now a regular part of my daily blogging. Keep up the good work.